The Press Conference that kicks off the Festival took place this morning, Monday October 10th. Present at the table were Fabio Montico (President of the Giulio Montico Cultural Association), Tommy Cardarelli (Ringmaster), and Andrea Giachi and Alessia Dell’Acqua (Presenters).
In his presentation, Fabio talked about the challenges faced during the last two editions, and the ulterior challenge of relaunching the International nature of the competition this year, with some very interesting acts, and the presence of a distinguished International Technical Jury who will judge the numbers and award the prizes, as well as watch out for acts to select for their own future shows.
The opening of all the shows will be preceded by dance numbers performed by the Corps de Ballet of the Great Circus of Budapest, directed by Peter Fekete, and by the Modula Centro Studi Danza of Latina, directed by Francesca and Valentina Cristofoli.
The shows will be presented by Andrea Giachi and Alessia Dell’Acqua, while the artistic and technical direction of the shows is in the capable hands of Ringmaster Tommy Cardarelli and his directing team, consisting of Ruby Merzari, Rony Vassallo, and Fabrizio Montico.

Live music will be provided by the Festival’s orchestra, consisting of Fabiano Giovanelli (Director and drums), Daniele Manciocchi (saxophone), Mario Caporilli (trumpet), Stefano Coccia (trombone), Massimo Ioffreda (piano and keybaords), Lorenzo Mancini e Simone Todini (electric bass), and with arrangements by Guido Naus.
There will also be several additional events running during the Festival, in the Pala Distretti Ecologici foyer, including: ‘Circus Expo’, an exhibition of arts and collections pertaining to the Circus; the ‘Literary Cafè’, where books related to the Circus will be presented and discussed at 6pm on Friday 14th; ‘Holy Mass’ in the Big Top at 11am on Sunday October 16th. These additional events are open to all and are free.
The shows are as follows:
Thursday October 13 at 9pm (show A);
Friday October 14 at 9pm (show B);
Saturday October 15 at 4.30pm (show B) and 9pm (show A);
Sunday October 16 at 3.30pm (show A) and 7pm (show B);
Monday October 17 at 8.30pm (Gala Show and Awards Ceremony)
The shows called A and B are completely different performances, but both contain performers of the same high level of artistry and skills – they are simply a division of the numerous acts into two separate shows.