The “CircusNews Awards” are certificates of excellence that CircusNews issues after some journalists certified and authorized by us, with proven experience and knowledge of the circus world, view and evaluate a show.
They will be subjective judgments and without pretension neither of universality nor of infallibility (a characteristic not belonging to the human race) but they will be issued in the name of CircusNews who will take care to entrust this important and delicate task to competent people.
The certificates will be valid and will be reported only for the tour and the show in question as viewed by our certifier, while they will be considered null if there are variations, even minimal, in the show program.
We believe it is a way to enhance and reward circuses that offer high quality shows.
What do we evaluate?
There are many aspects to be evaluated; first of all the technique and quality of the show, the direction, the music and innovation, but also the facilities, comfort and some extra services offered to the viewer that can make the experience even more meaningful.
How is this judgment expressed?
Depending on the marks that the certifier will assign, a certificate of excellence will be issued with the relative stars. The stars range from a minimum of one to a maximum of three.
How is the number of stars communicated?
CircusNews will be responsible for communicating to the interested party the obtainment of the certificate which will be sent by email accompanied by the signed letter and the certificate in PDF version that can be printed and displayed at their facilities and shared on the social pages. The original certificate will be kept at the CircusNews headquarters and uploaded to the site in the dedicated section.
Meaning of the stars

Show with good circus technique and well cared for direction. The show as a whole works well and deserves to be seen.

An essential show for every industry enthusiast and professional. The circus technique and direction are excellent and create a great atmosphere. All the creative and welcoming elements of the public are well-finished and of a high standard.

Unmissable spectacle that deserves the trip wherever it is. All elements are excellent and everything is taken care of in the smallest detail making the show a complete work of art. There are no weaknesses and we are seeing something unique worldwide.
If a circus does not receive any stars
– does not meet the minimum requirements to win the CircusNews Award stars (it does not mean that the show is not interesting or does not deserve to be seen but does not reach the minimum score to be able to receive at least one star)
– no reviewer has yet seen and rated the show in question (certified reviewers are few and cannot be everywhere)
The circuses being assessed are exclusively circuses under chapiteau or with their own structures
We would like the public to say over the years: if this show / circus has the CircusNews Award certificate of excellence, they should definitely go and see it!