Latina 2022: the message of director Fabio Montico
🇮🇹 Fabio Montico: “my hope is that you will experience our shows under the big top in the spirit of the Circus, which represents a home for each and every one of us” Fabio Montico, on behalf of the Giulio Montico Cultural Association, addresses words of welcome and thanks to those who, in various capacities,…
Latina Festival critics’ jury, also CircusNews present
🇮🇹 Alongside the International Technical Jury, which is composed of prominent members of the international Circus world, there will be a second Jury that will assign the prestigious ‘Critics Prize’. This jury will be composed of show business personalities, journalists from a number of European countries, representatives of magazines and websites related to the circus…
15 important Circus names in the International Technical Jury of the Latina Festival
🇮🇹 Circus Stars will be present on the International Technical Jury that decides the winners of the “Latina d’Oro” as well as in the Circus ring. The International Technical Jury of the “International Circus Festival – City of Latina” is composed of owners or representatives of the most important Circuses or Circus Academies in the…
International Circus Festival of Italy: the poster
🇮🇹 With only 17 days to go to the début of the Festival, we are delighted to present this year’s poster for the 23rd edition of the International Circus Festival of Italy. This wonderful original work of art, oil on canvas, was painted by renowned artist Elena Zaïka. For eight years now, the image of…